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About us
Cravo & Santana – Advocacia (CS) is a public interest law firm located in Brasília/DF, specialized in working with demands from civil society organizations, with an emphasis on political advocacy, advocacy, and strategic litigation. The firm was established in 2021 to provide legal consulting services to civil society organizations that deal with human and fundamental rights demands, especially on a socio-environmental agenda that respects the cultural, environmental, and life diversity existing in Brazil.
Areas of Practice
Human Rights
Regarding human rights violations of individuals, collectives, and civil society organizations, our primary goal is to prevent them from occurring. When prevention is not possible, we seek to restore rights, as well as to mitigate and compensate for the damages caused.

With extensive experience in the field and a unique approach to on-site work, we develop our legal strategies in collaboration with the victims, adapting our actions to what is not only legally valid but also meaningful for those who have suffered or are at imminent risk of having their human rights violated.

We also offer advisory services such as Legislative Studies, Legal Opinions, Legal Opinions, Drafts of Bills and other Normative Acts.

Click here to read Human Rights and Business.

Advocacy in International Organizations
International organizations are actors that influence international human rights standards and, consequently, the public policies produced internally by nation-states. There are distinct mechanisms that can be activated and mobilized. The United Nations Climate Change Conference (COPClimate), the United Nations Biodiversity Conference (COPBiodiversity), the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR), the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), and the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) are some examples of international bodies that can be mobilized with advocacy strategies to refine and enhance the respect for human rights as international norms and commitments. Depending on the goals of each organization we serve, our legal consulting services can support the planning, execution, and monitoring of results for an effective advocacy strategy.
ESG and Compliance Consulting
We offer legal consulting for the development of compliance programs for due diligence in human and environmental rights. We perform a personalized diagnosis of your company’s maturity stage in practices, map reputational risks, conduct personnel training, and develop social relationship programs, always offering personalized legal consulting aimed at constructing a program of solutions appropriate to international human rights protection standards. With our services, your company will not only comply with the important ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) approach but can also go beyond and align with the most innovative national and international guidelines on human rights and business.
Environmental Law and Climate Litigation
Our work in pursuit of climate justice offers legal and advocacy strategies, guided by the combination of social rights + environmental law, to address crises arising from climate change, loss of nature and biodiversity, and increasing pollution and waste.

We also offer advisory services such as Legislative Studies, Legal Opinions, Legal Opinions, Drafts of Bills, and other Normative Acts.

Constitutional Law
Our work in pursuit of climate justice offers legal and advocacy strategies, guided by the combination of social rights + environmental law, to address crises arising from climate change, loss of nature and biodiversity, and increasing pollution and waste.

We also offer advisory services such as Legislative Studies, Legal Opinions, Legal Opinions, Drafts of Bills, and other Normative Acts.

Civil Society Organizations
Institutional Strengthening
We offer personalized assistance for Civil Society Organizations in all stages of drafting and implementing institutional strengthening. We draft Statutes, mediate Assemblies, and provide advice on their day-to-day activities to ensure that the organization operates in accordance with current laws and is prepared to prevent and address problems and challenges safely and efficiently.

Legal Consultancy in Advocacy / Government Relations
Our legal consultancy in advocacy and government relations extends to the relationships of organizations with the Judiciary and other institutions that make up the Justice System, as well as their political advocacy strategies with the Executive and Legislative branches.

Communities and Audiovisual
Often, traditional communities and peoples are invited to participate in projects that involve the use of their images and knowledge (films, advertisements, TV programs, photo shoots, etc.) It is not always easy to understand all the terms involving copyright, the assignment of image use rights, among many other specific legal aspects of audiovisual production. Given this, we offer communities legal advice tailored to the questions that arise before, during, and after the activities and the signing of related contracts.
Carbon Projects and Territorial Impacts
Although not yet regulated, commercial transactions of carbon credits already occur daily throughout the national territory. In light of this, we offer personalized legal advice with an emphasis on on-site work. We operate at all stages of the process so that both parties, communities and companies, are aware of the risks and prerequisites to engage safely and with respect to socio-environmental rights in this field.
Administrative Law
We offer legal services in litigation involving discussions about the interpretation and compliance of administrative contracts, actions of administrative misconduct, and the defense of public servants in disciplinary administrative proceedings.
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